Trusted by these recruitment brands.

Aren't you fed up of smashing the phones?
Whether you’re in-house or agency, recruiters today are more like marketers than salespeople. (Well. The effective ones are, anyway…)
It doesn't matter if you’re a recruiter yourself or you’re looking for ways to make your team more effective, recruitment marketing is a strategy you can’t ignore.

Smashtag will take care of everything, so you don't have to.
We know you don't have the time or the inclination to be messing around with "The Snapchat" or "that one where everyone dances".
Just leave it to us and we'll get your social content looking hotter than Britney in that Slave 4 U video!

Let's talk about the numbers.

Fix up, look sharp.
79% of job seekers have used social media in their job search in the last year.
Nearly three-quarters of millennials found their last position directly through a social media platform.
The average UK company spends a quarter of their recruitment budget on social media.
91% of all employers are currently using social media as part of their hiring process.